20The potential importance of sperm cryopreservation for aquaculture and conservation 21 management seems still undervalued, probably because the available protocols often lead to 22 reduced fertilization success. We experimentally compared the effectiveness of two different 23 freezing extenders for cryopreservation of brown trout (Salmo trutta) semen, controlling for 24 possible male and female effects. The methanol-glucose based extender that we tested was 25 significantly more effective than a common dimethyl-sulfoxide based extender (a commercial 26 cryopreservation kit). We then studied the effectiveness of the methanol-glucose based 27 extender at different sperm-egg ratios and found no significant differences in fertilization 28 ability of fresh and cryopreserved milt at a sperm-egg ratio of at least 110,000:1. We conclude 29 that brown trout sperm cryopreserved with this extender can be used even at low sperm-egg 30 ratios without significant effects on fertilization rates. 31 32 Key words 33 Sperm, cryopreservation, methanol, glucose, brown trout 34 35 36 49 Since the first attempts, much progress has been made and effective protocols now exist for a 50 variety of fishes, mainly freshwater fishes [1]. Salmonids have been a focus of these research 51 efforts due to their commercial and cultural importance [1]. The first successful 52 cryopreservation was achieved using glycerol as a cryoprotectant [4], but it was quickly 53 replaced by dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Most of the current protocols still use DMSO as 54 permeable cryoprotectant, and DMSO is still considered as a suitable candidate for the 55 development of new protocols. For instance, DMSO was used lately in the development of a 56 protocol for the endangered Mediterranean brown trout Salmo trutta macrostigma [5]. 57However, methanol was suggested as an alternative to DMSO and tested in three salmonids 58 including brown trout [6]. Permeable cryoprotectants are most often associated with complex 59 saline solutions and non-permeable cryoprotectants, such as egg yolk. Recently, a very simple 60 extender consisting only of 9% methanol and 0.15M glucose was shown to be effective in 61 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and in brown trout [7,8]. 62
63Here we compare the effectiveness of this methanol-glucose based extender to a DMSO-64 based extender on brown trout while controlling for potentially confounding parental or 65 population effects on fertilization success. The DMSO-based extender we use here is a 66 commercial product that use DMSO as permeable cryoprotectant, egg yolk derived lipids as 67 non-permeable cryoprotectant, and a saline solution. We ran two experiments. The first one 68 aimed to assess which of the two candidate extenders would produce the highest fertilization 69 success. In the second experiment, we tested the post-thaw fertilizing ability of sperm at 70 various dilutions. 16.5%, 1.65% and 0.165%, implying an absolute volume of milt of 66, 6.6 and 0.6 µL of milt 131 in extender or Storfish, respectively. We used 200 µL of...