Finding the shortest paths for packets in communication networks is one of the vital engineering challenges. Recently, a routing strategy using gravitational centrality has been proposed to find efficient transmitting routes for packets to their destinations. This routing strategy successfully mitigates the congestion of packets in the networks and effectively transmits many packets to their destinations by using gravitational centrality. However, this routing strategy is difficult to transmit the packets to their destinations if large volumes of packets flow in the communication networks because fixed costs are used to determine the shortest paths for every source-destination pair. To overcome these problems, we have already proposed a routing strategy using congestion signals. This routing strategy further mitigates the congestion of packets compared to conventional routing strategies such as the routing strategy with gravitational centrality. In this study, we comprehensively evaluate the routing strategy with the congestion signals if different types of centralities are incorporated into the costs of links and various topologies are applied to the communication network models. Numerical experiments illustrate that our routing strategy using the congestion signals mitigates the congestion of packets even if other types of centralities are incorporated. In addition, our proposed routing strategy shows effective transmitting performance for the various topologies of networks.