Chromatin communities stabilized by protein machinery play essential role in gene regulation and refine global polymeric folding of the chromatin fiber. However, treatment of these communities in the framework of the classical network theory (stochastic block model, SBM) does not take into account intrinsic linear connectivity of the chromatin loci. Here we propose the polymer block model, paving the way for community detection in polymer networks. On the basis of this new model we modify the non-backtracking flow operator and suggest the first protocol for annotation of compartmental domains in sparse single cell Hi-C matrices. In particular, we prove that our approach corresponds to the maximum entropy principle. The benchmark analyses demonstrates that the spectrum of the polymer non-backtracking operator resolves the true compartmental structure up to the theoretical detectability threshold, while all commonly used operators fail above it. We test various operators on real data and conclude that the sizes of the non-backtracking single cell domains are most close to the sizes of compartments from the population data. Moreover, the found domains clearly segregate in the gene density and correlate with the population compartmental mask, corroborating biological significance of our annotation of the chromatin compartmental domains in single cells Hi-C matrices. Many real-world stochastic networks split into self-organized communities. Social networks feature circles of friends 1-3 , colleagues 2 , members of a karate club 1 , communities of dolphins 4 etc. Cellular networks demonstrate modular organization, which optimizes crucial biological processes and relationships, such as synchronization of neurons in the connectome 5, 6 , efficiency of metabolic pathways 7, 8 ], genes specialization 9 or interaction between enhancers and promoters 10. Interest to polymer modular networks has appeared recently in the context of genome spatial folding. Proximity of chromatin loci in space is believed to be deeply connected with gene regulation and function. Hi-C experiments 11-13 provide the genome-wide colocalization data of chromatin loci. As the main outcome of the experiment, large genome-wide matrices of contacts from each individual cell or from the population are produced. Analyses of these matrices has revealed that the eukaryotic genome is organized in various and biologically relevant communities, whose main function is to insulate some regions of DNA and to provide easy access to the others. In particular, the data collected from a population of cells suggest that transcribed ("active") chromatin segregates from the, "inactive" one, forming two compartments in the bulk of the nucleus 12, 14. Within compartments chromatin is organized further as a set of topologically-associated domains (TADs) 15-17 that regulate chromatin folding at finer scales. However, interpretation and validation of communities in individual cells remains vaguely defined due to sparsity of respective data. The broad field of applications of ...