Based on findings from the existing literature regarding the used knowledge integration, social media, and emergency management, this paper presents a conceptual model for Emergency Management Team Performance (EMTP) and provides a rigorous approach in scale development and validation. The model is meant to improve organizations volunteer and staff per on flood field. Thus, this study conceptualizes the construct of EM team performance and generates an initial 39 item on EM task scale. Based on the sample data, we provided an empirical validation of the Emergency Management Team Performance (EMTP) constructs and its underlining dimensionality and developments a generic Emergency Management Team (EMT) scale with desirable psychometric properties, which includes face validity, content validity and pilot testing. In the validation process, a 30-item EM task scale with 6 constructs (task characteristic, task-technology, task-technology fit, social media usage, knowledge integration and EM team performance) were used. This study is a pioneering effort to develop and validate EMTP scale and will contribute to the development of knowledge integration while adding to the repository of rigid research instruments for researcher's utilization.