Aiming at the calculation of the properties of ρ-mesons, non-perturbative QCD-based methods are discussed concerning their potentials as well as their short-comings. The latter are overcome by combining these techniques. The utilized methods are (i) the chiral constituent quark model deduced from the instanton vacuum model and large-Nc arguments, (ii) chiral perturbation theory unitarized by the inverse amplitude method and (iii) QCD sum rules. Advantages of the combination of these methods are especially the absence of un-physical quark-production thresholds and parameter-free results. Already in the chiral limit and in leading order in 1/Nc one obtains a reasonable result for the mass of the ρ-meson, namely mρ = 790 ± 30 MeV. Using the KSFR relation the universality of the ρ-meson coupling is recovered. The latter is found to be g = 6.0 ± 0.3.