Without Lorentz invariance, spontaneous global symmetry breaking can lead to multicritical NambuGoldstone modes with a higher-order low-energy dispersion ω ∼ k n (n ¼ 2; 3; …), whose naturalness is protected by polynomial shift symmetries. Here, we investigate the role of infrared divergences and the nonrelativistic generalization of the Coleman-Hohenberg-Mermin-Wagner (CHMW) theorem. We find novel cascading phenomena with large hierarchies between the scales at which the value of n changes, leading to an evasion of the "no-go" consequences of the relativistic CHMW theorem. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.241601 PACS numbers: 11.30.Qc, 11.10.Gh, 14.80.Va Some of the most pressing questions about the fundamental laws of the Universe (such as the cosmological constant problem or the hierarchy between the Higgs mass and the Planck scale) can be viewed as puzzles of technical naturalness [1]. In this Letter, we study the interplay of technical naturalness with spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) in nonrelativistic systems.SSB is ubiquitous in nature. For relativistic systems and global continuous internal symmetries, the universal features of SSB are controlled by the Goldstone theorem. Much progress in SSB has also been achieved in the nonrelativistic cases, where the reduced spacetime symmetries allow a much richer behavior, still very much the subject of active research (see, e.g., Refs. [2-8] and the references therein). Important novelties emerge already in the simplest case of theories in the flat nonrelativistic spacetime R Dþ1 [covered with Cartesian coordinates ðt; xÞ, x ≡ ðx i ; i ¼ 1; …; DÞ] and with the Lifshitz symmetries of spatial rotations and spacetime translations. In such theories, the Nambu-Goldstone (NG) modes can be either of two distinct types: type A, effectively described by a single real scalar ϕðt; xÞ with a kinetic term quadratic in the time derivatives; or type B, described by two scalar fields ϕ 1;2 ðt; xÞ which have a first-order kinetic term and thus form a canonical pair.In Refs. [7,8], we showed that this type A-B dichotomy is further refined into two discrete families, labeled by a positive integer n: type A n NG modes are described by a single scalar with dispersion ω ∼ k n (and dynamical critical exponent z ¼ n), while type B 2n modes are described by a canonical pair and exhibit the dispersion relation ω ∼ k 2n (and dynamical exponent z ¼ 2n). These two families are technically natural, and therefore stable under renormalization in the presence of interactions [7]. As usual, such naturalness is explained by a new symmetry. For n ¼ 1, the NG modes are protected by the well-known constant shift symmetry δϕðt; xÞ ¼ b. The n > 1 theories enjoy shift symmetries by a degree-P polynomial in the spatial coordinates [7] δϕðt;with a suitable P. Away from the type A n and B 2n Gaussian fixed points, the polynomial shift symmetry is generally broken by most interactions. The lowest, least irrelevant interaction terms invariant under the polynomial shift were systematically discussed in Ref...