Purpose. The main purpose of the research is to substantiate the methodological approach of defuzzification and to define its peculiarities in the process of estimating the value of agricultural lands.
Methodology / approach. The research purpose included the use of a set of appropriate methods. In particular, the fuzzy logic techniques formed the basis of the research. The system approach was used in order to determine the role of land resources in the enterprise potential and the corresponding spheres of their management. The analysis and synthesis methods were used in the process of definition of impact factors of land resources value. The cartographic method was used for the needs of graphical display of humus content in the land plots of the analyzed enterprise. The generalization method was used in the process of forming conclusions.
Results. The article defines the peculiarities of defuzzification in the process of estimating the value of agricultural lands. The results provided the methodological basis for considering the qualitative metrics in the process of estimation as well as for granting the numerical interpretation for linguistic variables. The corresponding methodology was overviewed at the example of land plot size. The quantitative reference limits for “small”, “medium” and “large” land plots were defined. Research results made it possible to form the sequence of stages, which are to be undertaken, in order to provide numerical values for qualitative characteristics of agricultural lands. A decision tree was built for the needs of formation of management decisions. According to the data of researched enterprise, the dependence of the value of agricultural lands (for the needs of management accounting) on the size of the land plot and the humus content was determined.
Originality / scientific novelty. The article improves the methodological approach to determining the value of agricultural lands as of an element of enterprise potential based on the use of fuzzy logic techniques, which, in contrast to existing approaches, allows taking into account both quantitative and qualitative factors in the process of estimating the value of land resources for the needs of their management. Applying the respective approach increases the level of accuracy, relevance, and adequacy to market realities of the results of estimating the value of agricultural lands for the needs of their management.
Practical value / implications. The results of the research provided an opportunity to improve the quality and efficiency of the process of estimating the value of agricultural lands. The corresponding process is characterized by a high level of complexity and uncertainty due to the presence of a significant number of qualitative factors influencing the value of the land resources. The approach considered in the article makes it possible to take into account the influence of relevant qualitative factors by giving them numerical certainty through the use of fuzzy logic techniques. The proposed approach will provide an opportunity to increase the accuracy and relevance of estimating the value of land resources as of an element of enterprise potential for the making of corresponding managerial decisions. The proposed methodological approach was implemented with the use of data of agricultural enterprise, which made it possible to take into account linguistic variables (land plot size and chemical properties of the soil) when forming the managerial decisions about land plots. The decision tree was also formed, which serves as a means of supporting management decisions in the process of forming the value of agricultural lands.