on the occasion of his 80th birthday Pbl -,Gd,Te, a new semimagnetic semiconductor, containing gadolinium as a rare earth element is synthesized. Its magnetic susceptibility, transport and optical properties are determined in the temperature range of 4.2 to 300 K using magnetic field intensities u p to 6 T. The interaction between the Gd3+ ions are found to be slightly antiferromagneltic. The measured Hall mobilities of the samples with low gadolinium concentration (1 atyo nominal value) are extremely high (4 x x loG cm2 P-l s-l) at 4.2 K. They are comparable with the mobilities reported in superlatt.ices.The large static dielectric constant of the PbTe host lattice is invoked to serve to shield out the electric fields of the ionized impurities and defects, minimizing impurity scattering. In addition, a t low gadolinium concentrations, no Schubnikow-de Haas oscillations are found although all the required conditions for them are satisfied. In this sample th'e Fermi level is 16.9 meV above the conduction band edge. It is argued consequently, that all the Landau levels passed the Fermi level due to the internal magnetic field induced by the rare earth ions. At higher gadolinium concentrations, 2 and 5 atyo, the Fermi level moves u p to 338 and 478 meV in the conduction band. Consequently, the internal magnetic field does not pre-empt the effect of the external magnetic field. This results in the appearance of the Shubnikow-de Haas oscillations, as expected. P b l -,Gd,Te, ein neuer halbmagnetischer Halbleiter, der Gadolinium als Seltenerdelement enthalt wird synthetisiert. Seine magnetische Suszeptibilitat und die Transport-und optischen Eigenschaften werden im Temperaturbereich von 4,2 bis 300 K bei. Magnetfeldern bis zu 6 T bestimmt. Die Wechselwirkung zwischen den ad3+-Ionen ist schwach antiferromagnetisch. Die gemessenen Hallbeweglichkeiten der Proben mit niedriger Gadoliniumkonzentration (1 At% Nominalwert) sind extrem hoch (4 x lo6 om2 V-l s-l bei 4,2 K). Sie