We study the gravitational corrections to the F-term in four-dimensional N = 1 U (N ) gauge theories with flavors, using the Dijkgraaf-Vafa theory. We derive a compact formula for the annulus contribution in terms of the prime form on the matrix model curve. Remarkably, the full TrR ∧ R correction can be reproduced as a special momentum sector of a single c = 1 CFT correlator, which closely resembles that in the bosonization of fermions on Riemann surfaces. The N = 2 limit of the torus contribution agrees with the multi-instanton calculations as well as the topological A-model result. The planar contributions, on the other hand, have no counterpart in the topological gauge theories, and we speculate about the origin of these terms. 1 hfuji@post.kek.jp 2 mizoguch@post.kek.jp 1 The definition of W eff (S i ) (2.4) has an ambiguity in the linear terms in S i depending on the choices of the integration constants in the free energy (See e.g. [18].).