Abstract. We are interested in the study of parabolic equations on a multi-dimensional junction, i.e. the union of a finite number of copies of a half-hyperplane of dimension d + 1 whose boundaries are identified. The common boundary is referred to as the junction hyperplane. The parabolic equations on the half-hyperplanes are in non-divergence form, fully non-linear and possibly degenerate, and they do degenerate and are quasi-convex along the junction hyperplane. More precisely, along the junction hyperplane the nonlinearities do not depend on second order derivatives and their sublevel sets with respect to the gradient variable are convex. The parabolic equations are supplemented with a non-linear boundary condition of Neumann type, referred to as a generalized junction condition, which is compatible with the maximum principle. Our main result asserts that imposing a generalized junction condition in a weak sense reduces to imposing an effective one in a strong sense. This result extends the one obtained by Imbert and Monneau for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks and multi-dimensional junctions. We give two applications of this result. On the one hand, we give the first complete answer to an open question about these equations: we prove in the two-domain case that the vanishing viscosity limit associated with quasi-convex Hamilton-Jacobi equations coincides with the maximal Ishii solution identified by Barles, Briani and Chasseigne (2012). On the other hand, we give a short and simple PDE proof of a large deviation result of Boué, Dupuis and Ellis (2000).