Perforating wells calls for careful planning to maximize well productivity over the life of the well, and to prevent time and money losses due to unexpected side effects. A large class of wells and in particular high-pressure wells are susceptible to gunshock damage when they are perforated with inappropriate gun systems. This paper presents applications of a simulation methodology to predict gunshock loads for tubing-conveyed and wireline-conveyed perforating jobs. With this simulation methodology we can evaluate the sensitivity of gunshock loads to changes in gun type, charge type, shot density, cable size, tubing size and length, number of shock absorbers, rathole length, placement and setting of packers, and early reservoir response, among many others.When planning perforating jobs, engineers strive to minimize the risk of equipment damage due to gunshock loads. With the simulation software presented in this paper, engineers can identify perforating jobs with significant risk of gunshock related damage, such as unintentional pull-offs, bent tubing and unset packers. When predicted gunshock loads are large, changes to the perforating equipment or job execution parameters are made to reduce gunshock loads to an acceptable level.Fast gauge pressure data from perforating jobs shows that wellbore pressure transients can be accurately predicted. For well prepared simulation models, typical peak sustained pressure amplitudes at the gauges are on average within 10% of simulated values. In jobs where shock absorbers were used, residual deformations of crushable elements correlate well with predicted peak axial loads; which confirms that gunshock loads on the equipment are well predicted.With the simulation methodology described in this paper engineers can evaluate perforating job designs in a short time, and they can optimize perforating jobs by reducing gunshock loads and equipment costs. The ability to predict and mitigate gunshock damage in perforating operations is very important because of the high cost of typical high-pressure wells.