The relaxation properties of a two-component material are determined depending on time, volume fraction, and type of reinforcement, and the relationship among them. The type of reinforcement is determined by the aspect ratio of the ellipsoid of revolution that models the inclusion. The effective moduli of the composite are determined from the relaxation properties of the components. It is assumed that the composite components are made of isotropic viscoelastic materials with volume expansion and shear characteristics described by two Rabotnov's fractional-exponential functions with different orders of fractionality. To obtain the solution in the time domain, its fractional rational representation in the frequency domain is used. Optimizing the parameters of this representation and transforming the parameters of the solution to the time domain make it possible to obtain solutions in compact form in terms of relaxation kernels Keywords: viscoelastic composite, viscoelastic moduli, material functions, Poisson's ratio Introduction. The viscoelastic parameters of composites can in many cases be predicted using methods of composite mechanics and viscoelasticity theory based on experimental data on the deformation or relaxation properties of the composite components. Micromechanical methods for predicting the effective characteristics of elastic composites from the properties and volume fraction of their components are well-developed [1,7,9,[12][13][14][15][16]. There are much fewer publications determining the effective viscoelastic characteristics. Most of them consider the viscoelastic behavior of the matrix alone. The wide use of viscoelastic composites in engineering and construction necessitates developing new theoretical and applied approaches to predict their mechanical properties.There are some studies on the time-dependent properties of both matrix and reinforcement. In [9], a canonical viscoelastic operator was introduced to describe the viscoelastic properties of a two-component composite, and the tensor components of effective relaxation kernels are found in explicit form for nonrelaxing laminated composites with a viscoelastic matrix. In [12,13], the algebra of resolvent operators was used to study the deformation of a two-component composite and it was pointed out that it is possible to determine the viscoelastic properties of a composite with components described by a fractional exponential function with a different order of fractionality. In [19], the limiting effective complex shear moduli of a two-component viscoelastic composite were determined. The limiting bulk and shear moduli were used to test the Mori-Tanaka scheme [17] and finite-difference calculus [26,27]. In [17], the solution was obtained for the frequency domain using a standard mechanical model to describe the relaxation bulk and shear moduli of the components. In [23,25], an approach was developed to determine the relaxation properties of two-component composites with the relaxation kernels of the components represented as a sum of fract...