This work focuses on the numerical and experimental study of the effective thermal conductivity in materials with heterogeneous composition. The numerical analysis relies in the Boundary Element method (BEM) formulation assisted by the sub-regions technique to simulate a two-dimensional square domain, with randomly distributed material inclusions. The boundary conditions are set to achieve a unidirectional heat flux condition. The Average Field Theory (AFT) is applied to determinate the representative volume element (RVE) condition for the studied cases. Finally, the effective heat conduction coefficient is obtained from the defined RVE's. To verify the obtained numerical results, it is proposed an experimental procedure based on thermal images. The experimental assembly replicates the unidirectional heat flux condition over a steel plate. The experimental effective thermal conductivity is obtained from the analysis of the resultant temperature field on the surface of the plate taken by an infrared camera. The comparison between the numerical and experimental results showed a 3% difference between both results, pointing out for the successfulness of the proposed methodology.Keywords: Boundary element method, heterogeneous materials, representative volume element, thermal images.
Este trabajo se enfoca en el estudio numérico y experimental de los efectos de la conductividad térmica en materiales heterogéneos. El análisis numérico se basa en la formulación de Método de los Elementos de Contorno (MEC) basada en la técnica de subregiones con el fin de simular un dominio bidimensional con inclusiones de material distribuidas aleatoriamente. Las condiciones de contorno fueron seleccionadas adecuadamente con el fin de obtener condiciones de conductividad térmica unidireccional. La Teoría de los Campos Medios (TCM) es aplicada para determinar el elemento de volumen representativo (EVR