Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design is a technological advancement in electronics that has widely shortened the window from concept to a working prototype in any design. It has also made it possible to design and develop sophisticated and intelligent electronic systems which are easily adaptable to any field of human endeavor with relative ease. In this paper, the VLSI design of a processor system is presented, which implements two transforms i.e. the discrete wavelet packet, and the Hilbert transforms. The combination of these two transforms in a single processor makes it possible to have a system with enhanced subband frequency edge detection in a wideband signal and other specialized areas, which is very useful in such specialized areas of application as spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. The results obtained from the simulation and design verification of the processor system showed the effectiveness of the design methodology presented in this paper. As a matter of fact, the arithmetic operators designed in this paper outperformed the arithmetic operators of the Xilinx IP CORE when compared in terms of speed. From the results obtained, it was clear that the processor design performed as expected, at a great speed.