Prior to instrumented site tests being carried out on a group of power-station auxiliary motors, computer studies of the site-test conditions were undertaken, and the paper reports the analytical methods developed for the pretest dynamic analyses, together with the correlation achieved between site-test and computed results. For the purposes of the tests, the motors were isolated from the turbogenerator for which they normally function as auxiliaries, and supplied from a neighbouring power station. To assess their recovery to, or divergence from, steady running conditions subsequent to disturbances in the system from which they are supplied, controlled-duration faults were applied at the power station supplying the induction-motor group. In the pretest analyses, 12 subgroups, of a total of 23 motors tested, were independently represented, as was the turbogenerator unit at the neighbouring power station. Central to the analysis is Kron's concept of a synchronously rotating frame of reference, into which the equations of all machines in the group are transformed. It is shown, in the paper, that, after transformation, the machine equations may be arranged in a form particularly suitable for multimachine-system analysis by computer. The overall method of analysis is developed in detail, and its validity is checked by comparisons, made in the paper, of site-test recordings of the principal machine variables, and solutions obtained for them in the pretest computer studies.
[Z'] = transient-impedance matrix [C,] [Z] [C]ixi f = angular velocity of synchronously rotating frame of reference . . . d . . p = derivative operator -, time in secondsIn the general formulation of Section 3, suffix b denotes a system-branch quantity and suffix m denotes a machine quantity. In the derivation of the reduced forms of motor and generator representation, suffix s denotes a stator quantity and suffix r denotes a rotor quantity, i.e. for both motor and generator for a generator and l fd kd Jkq. JqrJ for a motorIn. the motor and generator representations, the term total inductance is used for the sum of the magnetising and leakage inductances.