The purpose of this work is the spectrophotometric determination of the color of ceramic pigments for the development of technology for the production of high-quality ceramic paints of a wide color palette for decorating building ceramics, porcelain and faience products.
In this regard, using the principles of heterovalent isomorphic substitution of atoms in crystals, the compositions of ceramic pigments were designed on the basis of the anorthite derivatives containing transition elements with the general formula Са1-хMexAl2+xSi2-xО8, where calcium and silicon ions were replaced by aluminum and transition element, Ме – Cо, Ni, Fe, Cr. The color characteristics were taken on the UV-2600 spectrophotometer with «UV Probe» software. Measurement of wavelengths was in the range of -220-1400 nm. For Fe3+ with tetrahedral coordination, the brown color is due to the d–d transition. The absorption wavelengths of the samples corresponded to 758-283 nm. Со2+ is characterized by a coordination number of 4, the wavelengths of the absorbed light are 1328, 776, 625, 551, and 408 nm. In this case, the brightness varies from 5 to 64%. The color of the samples is violet-blue. For the yellow-green complex [NiО6], the absorption bands are located at ⅄ = 894, 693, 622, 385. The absorption spectra of chromium-containing pigments are characterized by the presence of maxima in the region of 536, 408, 310 nm, which corresponds to the green region of the spectrum