Recent Couette-cell shear experiments of carbopol gels have revealed the formation of a transient shear band before reaching the steady state, which is characterized by homogeneous flow.This shear band is observed in the small-gap limit where the shear stress is spatially uniform. An effective-temperature model of the transient shear banding and solid-fluid transition is developed for the small-gap limit. The small-gap model demonstrates the ability of a continuum-constitutive law that is based solely on microstructural rearrangements of the gel to account for this transient behavior, and identifies that it proceeds via two distinct processes. A shear band nucleates and gradually broadens via disordering at the interface of the band. Simultaneously, spatially homogeneous fluidization is induced outside of the shear band where the disorder of the gel grows uniformly. Experimental data are used to determine the physical parameters of the theory, and direct, quantitative comparison is made to measurements of the structural evolution of the gel, its fluidization time, and its mechanical response under plastic flow.Yield stress fluids (YSFs) are ubiquitous in everyday life, and their special properties have merited intense research [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. Examples include gels, clay suspensions, foams, concentrated emulsions, and colloids. These seemingly distinct substances exhibit a similar mechanical response when subjected to shear deformation: Below a critical (yield) stress these materials remain elastic, behaving as solids, but above this critical stress they are able to deform and flow as viscous liquids. This characteristic ability makes them extremely sought-after for many applications [10]. In the presence of an applied shear protocol a YSF can exhibit a distinctive mode of deformation known as shear banding, where a region of highly localized strain that is far greater than that of the surrounding material appears. The region, or band, is often long or continuous in the direction of shear and of some finite width perpendicular to the shear. This form of shear localization has been shown to be a common occurrence in the rheology of complex fluids as well as glassy materials in general [11].YSFs are often categorized by the degree of thixotropy they present. Thixotropic YSFs have memory and aging effects that lead to a history dependence, marked e.g. by flow curves that are significantly different when the applied shear rate is ramped up compared to the ramp down. In contrast, nonthixotropic or "simple" YSFs have no apparent history dependence over the timescales of observation. They also tend to have predominantly repulsive interactions between their constituent mesoscopic substructures [12]. More important is the fact that thixotropic YSFs, regardless of the particular material, easily form shear bands.Some known as viscosity-bifurcating YSFs, display shear banding in the steady state, a phenomenon which as been observed in a number of complex fluids including polymers [13][14][15][16] and wormlike mi...