7In this study thermal conductivities of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) Catalyst Layers 8 (CLs) were measured. The CLs were fabricated on a thin copper metal film, varied in composition and 9 measured both when dry and in the presence of residual water. In order to demonstrate and evaluate the 10 impact and relevance of the measurements, a 1-D thermal model was developed.
11It was found that dry CLs, and CLs containing very small water content, had thermal conductivity values water up to 70 moles of water per mole of sulphonic group, it was observed that the water only had an effect 14 on the thermal conductivity with values much higher than those reported as the capacity of the ionomer.
15The literature suggests, depending on the CL, that the ionomer of a CL can carry up to around 10 moles 16 of water per sulphonic group and that water content beyond this level is carried otherwise. We found that When considering wet porous transport layers (PTL) and moderately humidified CL, the PEMFC maximum 24 internal temperature difference increased by 33% when compared to the commonly assumed measured 25 thermal conductivities. Considering that the CL constitute less than 10% of the total PEMFC thickness 26 * Corresponding author; measurements and modelling. * * Corresponding author; catalyst layer sample preparation and development.