In various organizations there are in existence procedures which function lies in leading the teams under their respective charges, in order to perform the variety of the tasks and targets set with a full utilization of each individual. The appointment of managers is mostly done in accordance with the skills and attributes of the chosen individual, as well as those of applicable to the position. For the most part the chosen individuals are professionals who are experts in their respective fields, yet not necessarily ones possessing managerial skills as well. Thus, interim managers present a key link in the organization and are also the connecting one between the management and staff. At times they are required to make crucial decisions and face difficult dilemmas, such a variety of difficulties of the kind they do not always possess the abilities and/or tools to resolve. In situations such as these one can clearly observe interim managers who operate from their comfort zone, an action leading to an interim manager focusing on the execution rather than management of the situation arises. High schools form an organization In this organization there are some interim managers whose job is to lead the various teams under their charge to reach the set goal.. The article at hand will attempt to raise various questions interim managers are faced with, as well as suggestions as to how to resolve them.