Functional dentition plays an important role in maintaining masticatory function, which is closely related to the number of teeth present in the mouth. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between individual and contextual factors and functional dentition (defined
IntroductionTooth loss is one of the main public health problems affecting the adult population worldwide 1 . This situation directly and indirectly influences the individual's overall health. Compromised masticatory function affects quality of diet, increasing the risk of various health problems like cardiovascular diseases, physical disabilities and even death 2,3 . Edentulous individuals show lower consumption of important macro and micronutrients as compared to those with functional dentition 4,5 . For example, edentulism without rehabilitation with prostheses has been associated with reduced intake of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals 4 . Obesity 3 and malnutrition 5 have also been linked to tooth loss.There are various causes of tooth loss, the main ones being dental caries and periodontal disease. Other factors include access to dental services, health system organization, and oral health care 6,7 . Higher tooth loss rates have been associated with unfavorable socioeconomic conditions 8,9 .Functional dentition plays an important role in maintaining masticatory function, which is closely related to the number of teeth present in the mouth 10,11,12 . According to this concept, maintenance of functionality requires a minimum of 20 teeth well distributed in the upper and lower dental arches. In 1992, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the lifetime reten-ARTIGO ARTICLE