We compare vector boson fusion and quark antiquark annihilation production of vector boson pairs at the LHC and include the effects of anomalous couplings. Results are given for confidence intervals for anomalous couplings at the LHC assuming that measurements will be in agreement with the standard model. We consider all couplings of the general triple vector boson vertex and their correlations. In addition we consider a gauge invariant dimension-six extension of the standard model. Analytical results for the cross sections for quark antiquark annihilation and vector boson fusion with anomalous couplings are given.was however also applied to all intermediate helicity states [5] despite of the known problems with the EVBA for the transverse helicities [12].Avoiding the use of the EVBA, the quark-quark scattering processes q 1 q 2 → V 3 V 4 q ′ 1 q ′ 2 were calculated exactly in lowest order of perturbation theory [3,6]. In addition to the vector boson scattering diagrams, diagrams of bremsstrahlung type have to be evaluated in the exact calculation.2. On the other hand one may assume that the symmetry breaking is realized by a light Higgs boson. In this case the dominating processes for vector boson pair production are those of direct quark antiquark annihilation, also called Drell-Yan processes. The rates for these processes are sensitive to the values of the couplings of the electroweak vector bosons among each other [13]. Drell-Yan production with anomalous (=nonstandard) couplings has been studied in [14]- [20]. O(α s ) corrections have been taken into account in [21]- [26]. The vector boson scattering processes were not considered in these works. The common argument to omit these processes was that they are O(α 4 ) and therefore suppressed with respect to the Drell-Yan processes. However, a particular case in which these processes can give a significant contribution is near a Higgs boson resonance. In the study [27] of the signal of a resonant Higgs boson both the Drell-Yan processes, including the O(α s ) corrections [28], and the exact matrix element for q 1 q 2 → V 3 V 4 q ′ 1 q ′ 2 were taken into account. Also in [29], the processes q 1 q 2 → V 3 V 4 q ′ 1 q ′ 2 were included. These calculations however were only for standard vector boson self couplings and the rates for the two different production mechanisms have not been explicitly compared.In summary, in the strongly interacting scenario particular attention was paid to the vector boson scattering processes while the analyses of vector boson self couplings only considered the Drell-Yan processes.Later on, the effects of various SU(2) L ×U(1) Y gauge invariant effective interaction terms among the electroweak vector bosons were investigated and the vector boson scattering processes were considered [30,31] together with the Drell-Yan processes. It was found that the Drell-Yan contribution and the one of vector boson scattering were of comparable magnitude. However, as in [5], the vector boson scattering processes were calculated using the EVBA for all ...