The purpose of this pilot study was to assess and refine a Web-based EBP educational intervention focused on improving EBP competence in BSN-prepared pediatric bedside nurses, and to examine its feasibility, acceptability, and usability. Using a two-group experimental embedded mixed methods design, a convenience sample of 29 BSN-prepared nurses was recruited from a pediatric hospital in the Southeastern United States. Participants were randomized into an intervention (n=14) or attention control group (n=15) and both received approximately 2 hours of educational content. The intervention group (IG) reviewed the Web-based EBP module and the attention control group (ACG) reviewed a Webbased module on Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy. Quantitative data were collected online from both groups using the Evidence-Based Practice Beliefs (EBPB) scale and the adapted Fresno test for Pediatric Nurses. Qualitative data were collected via telephone interview. Data were collected online utilizing SurveyMonkey © technology. Quantitative analyses were conducted using parametric and non-parametric statistics, and effect size calculations. Qualitative data were analyzed using methods described by Creswell and Plano Clark (2011). Demographic characteristics of the two groups were similar. A comparison of the IG and ACG post-intervention indicated there was not a statistically significant difference in the groups on EBP competence. However, the mean of the IG was higher and the effect size estimate of Hedges' g was small to borderline medium in magnitude. EBPB scale scores post-intervention were statistically significantly different with the IG demonstrating statistically significantly more positive beliefs about EBP. The estimated effect size for this difference was borderline medium in magnitude. Participants' interview data supported the intervention as being moderately feasible, acceptable, and usable for improving EBP competence in BSN-prepared pediatric nurses. This study provides preliminary data on Web-based methodologies that can be helpful in improving EBP beliefs and EBP competence among pediatric bedside nurses.