Fibromyalgia syndrome is a disease characterized by diffuse chronic pain, sleep disorder, depression and fatigue, which alters the quality of life of the individual, and acupuncture is a treatment option that already has satisfactory results in improving quality of life of individuals submitted to technique. Therefore, this study aims to highlight the benefits of physiotherapy in reducing pain pictures of individuals with fibromyalgia syndrome, evidencing the importance of physiotherapeutic treatment, simultaneously with the follow-up of pharmacological treatment. The methods used for this work were based on the methodology of the experimental factorial planning article: A brief review, published in the journal International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS). Based on references, it is seen that the quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome is closely related to pain, stress, emotional exhaustion, depression and quality of life. Physiotherapy combined with pharmacological interventions presents satisfactory results promoting the reduction of symptoms of fibromyalgia. We can conclude that drug interventions in conjunction with physiotherapeutic