Patients undergoing insertion of cardiac implantable electronic devices often exhibit perioperative hemorrhagic complications. Perioperative antithrombotic management, which balances the risk of acute thrombosis and postoperative bleeding, is therefore important for these patients. In this case report, we present three cases of cardiovascular implantable electronic device (CIED) insertion. While the three patients each had different reasons for not discontinuing antithrombotic medications, they all needed CIEDs. During the CIED implantation procedures, a small incision was made on the pectoralis muscle region to obtain a small subcutaneous pocket, and Tachosil, a fibrin sealant patch, was inserted below and above the inserted device. The patients showed no pocket hematoma formation or any hemorrhagic complications. We thus concluded the application of a fibrin sealant patch could be an option for perioperative anticoagulation management without interruption of anticoagulants and antiplatelets.