The 9th International Charr Symposium convened on 18-21 June 2018, in Duluth, Minnesota, USA, to gather scientists with an interest in charr biology and management from the entire geographical range of the genus Salvelinus. The symposium was attended by 169 individuals from six countries, and included 99 oral and 32 poster presentations, 28 of which were published in the ensuing proceedings. Topic areas of presentations and publications included (1) cultural anthropology; (2) genetics, evolution, taxonomy, and systematics; (3) behavior, movement, and habitat; (4) reproductive ecology, developmental ontogeny, and physiology; (5) population ecology, dynamics, and life history; (6) trophic ecology, parasites, predators, toxicology, and pollution; and (7) management. Research reported in these proceedings has built upon the history of earlier symposiums and will be continued with the 10th symposium scheduled to convene in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, in 2021.