Sodium-cooled fast reactors are an important component of India's move towards energy security. The Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) has been successfully operated for over 22 years, and the construction of a Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) has been taken up. Future development of Fast Reactor technology depends to a large extent on the economics, safety and waste management issues. The targets important for economics have been identified as reduction in capital costs, higher burn-up fuels, higher temperatures of operation, longer life and higher breeding ratios. These targets can be achieved with significant improvements in performance of materials, especially of Alloy D9 (15Cr-15Ni-0.2Ti), a titanium modified austenitic stainless steel, currently used for fuel cladding. Through research programmes implemented to improve the void swelling resistance of Alloy D9, it has been established that certain solute additions are essential in association with thermomechanical treatments for conferring swelling resistance. Research work conducted on refinement of Alloy D9 composition and thermomechanical treatments aimed at understanding irradiation effects, corrosion, mechanical properties and weldability at IGCAR Kalpakkam along with modelling studies for the prediction of weld behaviour is reported in the present paper. It is concluded that a significant rise in fuel burn-up can be achieved with the use of a new generation "InD9" alloy for fuel cladding. stages: pressurised heavy water reactors of the CANDU type; sodium-cooled fast reactors; thorium-based nuclear reactors. The vast thorium reserves in the country demand that the third stage that can make use of it be introduced as early as feasible. Design efforts on accelerator driven systems are being taken up to ensure in situ incineration of longlived fission products and production of fissile U 233 from fertile U 232 . At present, the transition from the fast test reactor stage where a 40 MW (thermal) was successfully operated for over 22 years, to a 500 MW(e) prototype reactor is being made. In India, fast reactors have a minimum power potential of 530 GW(e). This stage is crucial since it will provide the necessary experience and fuel for the third stage and beyond, with a power generation potential that is estimated to be in excess of 150 trillion watts. The chosen technology for this crucial 2 nd stage is sodium-cooled fast neutron spectrum reactors for generation of electricity.In order that the nuclear option is sustainable it is necessary that improved design targets be achieved: reduction in capital cost, high burn-up fuel, longer lifetime of the reactor, higher operating temperature and higher operating performance. Innovative approach is required to achieve these targets. Materials science, engineering and technology play a significant role when coupled with robust design, engineering development, instrumentation and control and robust safety approaches.Over the years, since the discovery of radioactivity, there has been a paradigm shift in the app...