INTRODUCTIONThe aim of medical education is to develop overall medical student's clinical competency at all the levels. Students are assessed by theory type questions and practical examinations. Various methods of assessments in theory examinations are long answer questions, short answer questions and multiple choice questions where only cognitive domains of the students are assessed.Practical examinations play a major role in the overall assessment of the cognitive, affective as well as psychomotor domains of the individuals. It can be used in assessment of interpersonal skills, application of knowledge and attitude of the students.Traditional methods of assessment may have many lacuna or deficiencies. These may be due to subjectivity ABSTRACT Background: The aim of medical education is to develop overall medical student's clinical competency at all the levels. Practical examinations play a major role in the overall assessment of the cognitive, affective as well as psychomotor domains of the individuals. Different variability in clinical examination, student's variability, the examiner's variability and the patient's variability and the attitude towards disease may have effect on the assessment of the students. Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) was designed to test the clinical competence by bed side while simultaneously improving objectivity and reliability. The objectives of the study were to assess the effectiveness of OSCE for assessment tool as compared to traditional method of assessment; to know the perception of students participated toward OSCE. Methods: Study was conducted among a batch of 25 students of VI th semester student posted in Department of Community medicine. After undergoing traditional method of examination, all the participating students underwent OSCE and the marks were recorded. Student's perception regarding OSCE was recorded using a questionnaire. Results: Marks scored by the students in OSCE were significantly higher than traditional practical examination. 92% students agree that OSCE useful tool in overall assessment of the student, better form of assessment & learning, easy to pass and score better marks than traditional method of examination. Conclusions: OSCE useful tool in overall assessment of the student, better form of assessment & learning, score better marks and has less emotional stress in OSCE, when compared to viva voce.