Little attention has been paid to the impacts of institutional–human–environment dimen-sions on the outcome of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) abatement. Through the diagnosticsocial–ecological system (SES) framework, this review paper aimed to investigate what and howthe multifaceted social, physical, and governance factors affected the success level of seven selectedAsia-Pacific countries (namely, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, andNew Zealand) in combatting COVID-19. Drawing on statistical data from the Our World In Data web-site, we measured the COVID-19 severity or abatement success level of the countries on the basis ofcumulative positive cases, average daily cases, and mortality rates for the period of 1 February 2020to 30 June 2020. A qualitative content analysis using three codes, i.e., present (P), partially present(PP), and absent (A) for each SES attribute, as well as score calculation and rank ordering for govern-ment response effectiveness and the abatement success level across the countries, was undertaken.Not only did the standard coding process ensure data comparability but the data were deemedsubstantially reliable with Cohen’s kappa of 0.76. Among 13 attributes of the SES factors, highfacility adequacy, comprehensive COVID-19 testing policies, strict lockdown measures, imposition ofpenalty, and the high trust level towards the government seemed to be significant in determiningthe COVID-19 severity in a country. The results show that Vietnam (ranked first) and New Zealand(ranked second), with a high presence of attributes/design principles contributing to high-levelgovernment stringency and health and containment indices, successfully controlled the virus, whileIndonesia (ranked seventh) and Japan (ranked sixth), associated with the low presence of designprinciples, were deemed least successful. Two lessons can be drawn: (i) having high number of P forSES attributes does not always mean a panacea for the pandemic; however, it would be detrimentalto a country if it lacked them severely, and (ii) some attributes (mostly from the governance factor)may carry higher weightage towards explaining the success level. This comparative study providingan overview of critical SES attributes in relation to COVID-19 offers novel policy insights, thushelping policymakers devise more strategic, coordinated measures, particularly for effective countrypreparedness and response in addressing the current and the future health crisis.