Conflito de interesses: NãoContribuição dos autores: NAMD delineamento do estudo, procedimento de coleta e análise dos dados e redação do manuscrito. MCOSM análise dos dados, discussão crítica e redação do manuscrito. Contato para correspondência: Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos E-mail: micellidomingos@famerp. Critically analyze the scientific literature of the last five years through the use and efficacy of biofeedback for the treatment of chronic diseases. Method: We performed a review from the literature using the electronic databases of PubMed (free), PsycInfo, Capes (by subject), Cochrane (from Bireme), SciELO (Brazil: integrated/Google academic), and Feeds (PubMed). Results: The initial selection resulted in 403 articles, but only 16 met the inclusion criteria. Of the 16 articles analyzed, three were theoretical, one review of the literature, one case study, and 11 original articles. The selected studies were conducted in seven different countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, South Korea, United States, Israel, and Sweden. The most studied diseases were headache, cyclic vomiting syndrome in adolescents, functional dyspepsia, post-traumatic stress, stress management, pain, anxiety, and coronary disease. Conclusion: Most studies showed positive evidence of the use of biofeedback.