Duroc boars from a line previously selected over five generations for 200-d weight and those from a randomly selected control line were mated to Landrace sows either from a line previously selected for increased 70-d weight or from a randomly selected pedigree control line. From these matings, 900 pigs were farrowed to examine the effects of crossing lines of pigs mass selected for weight at two ages on growth rate, survival, and carcass composition. A greater (P less than .01) percentage of pigs farrowed survived birth from control-line sows (.974) than from select-line sows (.914). Of those pigs born alive, a greater (P less than .05) percentage of pigs out of control-line sows survived to 21 d (.893) than out of select-line sows (.829). Pigs sired by select-line boars weighed 2.1 kg heavier (P less than .05) at 70 d than pigs sired by control-line boars. Pigs out of select-line sows weighed .11 kg less (P less than .10) at birth and .3 kg less (P less than .10) at 21 d of age but grew .026 kg/d faster (P less than .10) from 70 d to slaughter, weighed 3.9 kg more at 165 d of age (P less than .05), and reached 100 kg 7.0 d sooner (P less than .05) than pigs out of control-line sows. Carcasses from barrows sired by select-line boars had .29 cm more (P less than .10) fat at the 10th-rib than carcasses from barrows sired by control-line boars. Marbling scores were .31 unit greater (P less than .05) and muscle color scores were .25 unit greater (P less than .10) for carcasses from pigs out of select-line sows than for carcasses from pigs out of control-line sows. Selection for increased 70-d weight decreased age at 100 kg without increasing fat deposition. However, survival rates up to 100 kg were reduced. Mass selection for 200-d weight effectively increased 70-d weight, but fat thickness at 100 kg also increased.