The use of telemedicine technologies in the Russian Federation has been allowed legally only since 2018. Such a small experience is objectively insufficient for a development of a serious practice of using telemedicine technologies. Given the global trend of unification of medical and information technologies, it would be illogical to ignore the experience of foreign countries, in many of which the right to use telemedicine technologies was secured earlier than in the Russian Federation and experience has been gained in solving a number of problems arising in this area. Moreover, a detailed analysis allows us to identify the main emerging trends in this area.A review of foreign practice shows that most countries have followed the path of both legislative regulation of the use of telemedicine technologies, and more detailed regulation in the standards of medical care or similar documents. Moreover, in many cases, this regulation is carried out by medical associations or insurance companies. This is especially true for the United States. The experience of this country is also interesting because each state has its own legislation in the field of telemedicine technologies, reflecting different approaches to solving emerging problems.