This review aims to assess if there has been a change in the species and status of sugarcane pests during a particular period. This information has not yet been made available. This study is crucial, particularly for the developing an Indonesian sugarcane pest management strategy. The review approach involved interpreting the three books published in 1951, 2011, and 2017. The references were (1) The Pests of Crops in Indonesia by Kalshoven (1981), a translation of De Plagen van de Cultuurgewassen in Indonesia published in 1951 (period 1), (2) Sugarcane Pests and Diseases (period 2), and (3) Sugarcane Plant Pest Organism (period 3). The publications described the current status of pest species. In addition, we closely examined additional sources related to the subject themes. The results revealed that some species and pest statuses had shifted, as well as the appearance of new pests on sugarcane. Changes in species, status, and the appearance of new pests on sugarcane resulted from shifting the planting area from rice fields to rainfed land, alterations in agricultural practices, the presence of natural enemies, and climate change. Shoot borer, stem borer, and white grubs were significant sugarcane pests during the three periods.