The addition of fruits with different levels in eggs is expected to improve the quality of fermented egg whites products. The egg whites fermentation process causes changes in the organoleptic flavor of the egg. The study aimed to evaluate changes in the organoleptic taste of fermented egg whites by the addition of different levels and types of fruit. This study was arranged according to a completely randomized design with a 4x5 factorial pattern. Factor A was the level of fruit (10, 20, 30 and 40%, respectively). Factor B was fruit type (melons, apples, mangoes, oranges and dragon fruit, respectively). The parameters measured were organoleptic flavors which included fruit flavors, egg flavors and acid flavors. The results showed that the addition of different levels of fruit had a significant effect (P<0.01) on fruit flavor changes, but the types of fruit showed no significant effect. The addition of different types of fruit had a significant effect (P<0.05) on changes in egg flavor. However, the level of fruit addition did not show any significant effect on changes in egg flavor. The addition of fruit types and levels did not show a significant effect on changes in acid flavor in fermented eggs. The addition of a level of 30% indicates a higher fruit flavor than other levels. The addition of fruit did not change the fruit and acid flavors. But it can reduce the flavors of eggs in fermented egg whites.