Impacts of 49 Á 51 years of fertilization and crop rotation on growing season nitrous oxide emissions, nitrogen uptake and corn yields. Can. J. Soil Sci. 94: 421Á433. A field study was established in 1959 to evaluate the effects of fertilization and crop rotation on crop yields, soil and environmental quality on a Brookston clay loam. There were two fertilizer treatments (fertilized and not-fertilized) and six cropping treatments including continuous corn (CC), continuous Kentucky bluegrass sod and a 4-yr rotation of cornÁoatÁalfalfaÁalfalfa with each phase present each year. We measured N 2 O emissions, inorganic N and plant N uptake over three growing seasons (2007Á2009) in the corn phase. Nitrous oxide emissions varied over the 3 yr as a result of the seasonal variation in precipitation quantity, intensity and timing and differences in crop growth and N uptake. Fertilized CC lost, on average, 7.36 kg N ha(1 by N 2 O emissions, whereas the not-fertilized CC lost only 0.51 kg N ha (1 . Fertilized rotation corn (RC) lost 6.46 kg N ha (1 , which was 12% lower than fertilized CC. The notfertilized RC, on the other hand, emitted about half as much N 2 O (2.95 kg N ha(1 ) as the fertilized RC. Fertilized RC had corn grain yields that averaged 10.0 t ha(1 over the 3 yr followed by fertilized CC at 5.48 t ha . Not-fertilized RC corn had yields that were 61% lower (3.93 t ha(1 ) than fertilized RC, whereas the not-fertilized CC had yields that were 75% lower (1.39 t ha(1 ) than fertilized CC. Nitrous oxide emissions were found to be dramatically affected by long-term management practices and crop rotation had lower emissions in the corn phase of the rotation even though the N input from fertilizer addition and legume N fixation was greater. These N 2 O emission and yield results were due to both factors that are traditionally used to describe these processes as well as long-term soil quality factors, which were created by the long-term management (i.e., soil organic carbon, soil physical parameters such as bulk density, and porosity, soil fauna and microflora) and that influenced crop growth, N uptake and soil water contents. Les de´gagements d'oxyde nitreux ont fluctue´au cours de ces trois anne´es et on attribue le phe´nome`ne aux variations saisonnie`res du nombre, de l'intensite´et du moment des pre´cipitations, ainsi qu'aux diffe´rences observe´es au niveau de la croissance des cultures et de l'absorption de l'azote. La MC bonifie´e a perdu en moyenne 7,36 kg de N par hectare sous forme d'e´missions de N 2 O, alors que la MC sans amendement n'en a perdu que 0,51 kg par hectare. En assolement fertilise´, le maı¨s a perdu 6,46 kg de N par hectare, ce qui correspond a`12 % de moins que pour la MC bonifie´e. L'assolement de maı¨s (AM) non fertilise´, en revanche, a libe´re´a`peu pre`s la moitie´de N 2 O (2,95 kg de N par hectare) que l'AM amende´. L'AM fertilise´a donne´un rendement grainier moyen de 10,0 t par hectare au cours des trois anne´es a`l'e´tude, la MC fertilise´e arrivant deuxie`me avec 5,48 t par hectare....