Index-of· re fra ction ve rs us time iso th e rm s ha ve bee n esta bli shed for ge rmania glass. Us in g th e c rosso ve r te c hniqu e with air-q ue nc hed sampl es and app lyin g th e two relaxatio n tim e mod el pre viou s ly reported for borosilicate glass, it was found that th e width of th e spec tr~m of re laxatlO~ lim es f or "ermania «lass was te mp e rature depe nd e nt. Upo n ana lyzlI1 g thi s 111 term s of a di strIbutIOn of a c t~vatlOn ~n e rgi es, Dle res ults showed that, s il:-ularly to B20 3 , activation energies small e r than the activatIOn e ne rgy present in th e Arrhenius regio n appear at low te mperatures.Extens ive viscos ity meas ure me nts DY th e fib e r elon gation me thod we re mad e from 10" to 6 X 10 14 poi ses. Fro m thi s data a lower and more precise value of th e activation e ne rgy (E" = 72 .3 kcal/mo l) was obtained in th e annealin g ran ge.Key Word s: Activation e ne rgy ; annea lin g; german ia glass; index of refra ction ; re laxat ion tim es; th e rm al expan sion; two relaxation model ; vi scosity.