Recent study showed that hypoxia activates a Ca2+-sensitive, Na+-permeable non-selective cation channel (NSC) in carotid body glomus cells. We studied the effects of mitochondrial inhibitors that increase Ca2+ influx via Ca2+ channel (Cav), and receptor agonists that release Ca2+ from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) on NSC. Mitochondrial inhibitors (NaCN, FCCP, H2S, NO) elevated [Ca2+]i and activated NSC. Angiotensin II and acetylcholine that elevate [Ca2+]i via the Gq-IP3 pathway activated NSC. However, endothelin-1 (Gq) and 5-HT (Gq) showed little or no effect on [Ca2+]i and did not activate NSC. Adenosine (Gs) caused a weak rise in [Ca2+]i but did not activate NSC. Dopamine (Gs) and γ-aminobytyric acid (Gi) were ineffective in raising [Ca2+]i and failed to activate NSC. Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) produced by depletion of Ca2+ stores with cyclopiazonic acid activated NSC. Our results show that Ca2+ entry via Cav, ER Ca2+ release and SOCE can activate NSC. Thus, NSC contributes to both voltage- and receptor-mediated excitation of glomus cells.