Learning tasks are typically thought to be either hippocampal-dependent (impaired by hippocampal lesions) or hippocampal-independent (indifferent to hippocampal lesions). Here, we show that conditioned taste aversion (CTA) learning fits into neither of these categories. Rats were trained to avoid two taste stimuli, one novel and one familiar. Muscimol infused through surgically implanted intracranial cannulae temporarily inactivated the dorsal hippocampus during familiarization, subsequent CTA training, or both. As shown previously, hippocampal inactivation during familiarization enhanced the effect of that familiarization on learning (i.e., hippocampal inactivation enhanced latent inhibition of CTA); more novel and surprising, however, was the finding that hippocampal inactivation during training sessions strongly enhanced CTA learning itself. These phenomena were not caused by specific aspects of our infusion technique-muscimol infusions into the hippocampus during familiarization sessions did not cause CTAs, muscimol infusions into gustatory cortex caused the expected attenuation of CTA, and hippocampal inactivation caused the expected attenuation of spatial learning. Thus, we suggest that hippocampal memory processes interfere with the specific learning mechanisms underlying CTA, and more generally that multiple memory systems do not operate independently.