three-step, three-photon scheme of 6'So (0 cm-I) -+ 6 3 P ~ (17992.008 cm-') --c (;, :)z4f1'6s26p (35 196.98 cm-') + autoionization state (52353 cm-') is chosen to examine the selective photoionization of 168yb. The Maxwell-Bloch equation is numerically solved, where the interacting laser pulses me supposed to be mllinear and resonam with the transition lines of '"Yb, and the effects of Doppler broadening and laser bandwidth are incorporated. Firstly. the thin medium dynamics are examined to determine the optimal energy of laser pulses for the selective photoionization of layb. and to determine Yb isotopes which have a large influence on the excitation of I6%.Secondly, the thick medium dynamics are investigated, resulting in the fact that the laser pulse for tke first transition is prominently deformed due to the near-resonant interaction with '"Yb and "%, and t h e ion yield along the propagatian of the laser beam is strongly dependent on the initial energy of pulse for the first h'ansition and the time-delay between input pulses.