Mode conversion and resonant absorption are crucial mechanisms for wave transport and absorption. Scaling behavior of mode conversion or resonant absorption is well-known for electromagnetic and MHD waves in planar geometry. Our recent study showed that such a scaling behavior of resonant absorption could also exist for coronal loop oscillations with cylindrical geometry, but it was only tested for one density profile. Here we generalise our previous study on the scaling behavior of resonant absorption by considering multiple density profiles. Applying an invariant imbedding method to the ideal MHD wave equations, we show that the scaling behavior also exists for these density models. We thus generalise our earlier results and show that such a universal scaling exists in cylindrical geometry, too. Given these results and the earlier results in planar geometry, we formulate a hypothesis that a universal scaling behavior exists regardless of the type of mode conversion or resonant absorption.Mode conversion and resonant absorption can often occur in inhomogeneous plasmas such that two different waves are coupled with an exchange of energy. This mechanism has been considered as crucial for plasma heating and transport [4, 5, 14-17, 23, 28-31, 35]. The previous literature is mainly concerned with mode conversion between electromagnetic waves and electrostatic waves or between magnetoacoustic waves and Alfvén waves [e.g., 23, 44]. From theoretical and numerical studies, it is well established that a scaling behavior exists for the mode conversion coefficient in a planar geometry [8, 10-13, 17, 19, 20, 23, 27, 33, 38, 43]. The scaling parameter has in general a certain relation with the density gradient, wave vector, and wave frequency [see, e.g., 17, 19, 20, 33, 38]. The mode conversion coefficient, which denotes the ratio of energy transformation from one mode to another mode, has a maximum value of about 0.5 for the linear or parabolic density profile. When the density profile is more complex, the scaling behavior is broken and the conversion coefficient can vary greatly [39][40][41][42]. While this scaling behavior is well-known in planar geometry, its behavior in cylindrical geometry was unknown until recently. In our recent study, we considered kink modes in coronal loops, where the coronal loop was assumed as a infinitely long, straight, and axisymmetric cylinder with a radial inhomogeneity. We found that resonant absorption of the kink modes in the Alfvén resonance also show a certain scaling behavior. We called this behavior sub-universal therein. However, we only considered a sinusoidal density profile in the transitional layer [44]. Given that it was studied only for a particular density profile, it was unclear whether this behavior would be generally valid, as it is for planar geometry. This motivates the question if the results from our * previous paper can be generalised to other density profiles. If they can be generalised, it would imply that the scaling behavior is universal in inhomo...