There is little common understanding among acupuncturists regarding the poor prognosis for peripheral facial paralysis, evaluation methods, precautions during treatment, including acupuncture and moxibustion treatment. Cooperation among relevant occupations is also a major issue.Currently, the treatment of paralysis is focused on how to minimize sequelae during the recovery process of paralysis in cases with poor prognosis. The goal is to prevent sequelae and improve patient quality of life (QOL).For that purpose, it is important to understand the guidelines for medical treatment of paralysis, and like other medical staff, the acupuncturist should provide appropriate medical examination, treatment, self-care guidance, etc., and cooperate with other medical specialists. We hope that this seminar will provide a common understanding of the pathophysiology and evaluation methods of paralysis, precautions for acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, and a consensus of clinical research and the future possibility of using acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of paralysis.