CnLcitr~ plays a dominant role in many biochemical processes that are critical to body homeostasis. 1 Blood clotting and muscle contraction are two mechanisms in which ionic calcium is essential. In the myofibril, calcium ions entering the cell on depolarization, and those freed from an intracellular bound form act to cause sarcomere shortening? The other electrolytes, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and inorganic phosphate are also necessary in proper concentrations for balanced biological systems3How much of what kinds of intravenous solution to give during operation is an everyday consideration for anaesthetists. Does giving dextrose in water alter the pattern of plasma electrolytes, particularly calcium, compared to giving Ringer's lactate solution? Seeking an answer, we studied 13 patients during anaesthesia for abdominal operations who received one or other of these two intravenous solutions.
PATIENTS STUDIEDThe six females and seven males averaged 55 years of age (range 39--76), and 77 kg weight (range 50-92). All were intra-abdominal operations, except for one herniorraphy. Their A.S.A. physical status categories were Class 1-8 and Class II-5.All patients were induced with thiopentone, given succinylcholine for intubation and maintained with nitrous oxide and tubocurare. In addition, halothane was given to all but two patients, who had Innovar| Nine patients, with a mean anaesthetic time of 123 minutes, received a mean volume of dextrose/water of 816 ml during operation and for one hour in the recovery room. The group who received a mean volume of 707 ml of 5 per cent dextrose/Ringer's lactate, averaged 116 minutes of anaesthesia. The intended flow rate was 250 ml per hour over the three hours. No blood was transfused.
STuDY PRoTOCOLSerial samples of venous blood were drawn in heparinized syringes, without tourniquet, before induction, at mid-operation and end-operation and one hour afterwards. Samples were iced and biochemical determinations began within 15 minutes. Blood-gas analyses were done by electrodes ( Instrumentation Laboratory, Inc.) without correction for body temperature. Concentrations of several con-*From the