A new simple dynamo model for stellar activity cycle is proposed. By considering an inhomogeneous mean flow effect on turbulence, it is shown that turbulent cross helicity (velocity-magnetic-field correlation) should enter the expression of turbulent electromotive force as the coupling coefficient for the mean absolute vorticity. The inclusion of the cross-helicity effect makes the present model different from the current α-Ω-type models mainly in two points. First, in addition to the usual α (helicity effect) and β (turbulent magnetic diffusivity), we consider the γ coefficient (cross-helicity effect) as a key ingredient of the dynamo process. Second, unlike the α and β coefficients, which are often treated as an adjustable parameter in the current studies, the spatiotemporal evolution of γ coefficient should be solved simultaneously with the mean magnetic-field equations. The basic scenario for the stellar activity cycle in the present model is as follows: In the presence of turbulent cross helicity, the toroidal field is induced by the toroidal rotation in mediation by the turbulent cross helicity. Then, as usual models, the α or helicity effect generates the poloidal field from the toroidal one. This poloidal field, induced by the α effect, produces a turbulent cross helicity whose sign is opposite to the original one (negative production of cross helicity). The cross helicity with the opposite sign starts producing a reversed toroidal field. Eigenvalue analyses of the simplest possible present model give a butterfly diagram, which confirms the above scenario as well as the equator-ward migrations, the phase relationship between the cross helicity and magnetic fields, etc. These results suggest that the oscillation of the turbulent cross helicity is a key for the activity cycle. The reversal of the turbulent cross helicity is not the result of the magnetic-field reversal, but the cause of the latter. This new model is expected to open up the possibility of the mean-field or turbulence closure dynamo approaches.PACS numbers: 95.30. Qd, 96.60.Hv, 96.60.Q, 96.60.qd