The description of quantum transport in a quadruple quantum-dot structure (QQD) is proposed taking into account the Coulomb correlations and nonzero bias voltages. To achieve this goal the combination of nonequilibrium Green's functions and equation-ofmotion technique is used. It is shown that the anisotropy of kinetic processes in the QQD leads to negative differential conductance (NDC). The reason of the effect is an interplay of the Fano resonances which are induced by the interdot Coulomb correlations. Different ways to increase the peak-to-valley ratio related to the observed NDC are discussed.
IntroductionTechnological development in recent decades allowed the experimental study of systems of few-electron quantum dots [1,2]. In these structures the occupation of each dot and the interaction between them are governed by the electric fields of gate electrodes.Since the lifetime of single-electron spin state, a spin qubit, in semiconducting quantum dot is relatively long, such objects are attractive for storage and processing of quantum information [3,4]. The research of quantum-dot complexes in this direction is necessary to create a scalable architecture of spin qubits [5,6].Intra-and interdot Coulomb interactions are the key factors determining different many-particle effects in the systems of quantum dots. They are being considered as a