Although the presence of intracellular aqueous glasses has been established in seeds, their physiological role in storage stability is s t i l l conjectural. Therefore, we examined, using differential scanning calorimetry, the thermal behavior of glass transitions in axes of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris 1.) with water contents (WC) between O and 1 g H,O/g dry weight (g/g) and temperatures between -120 and +120°C. Three types of thermal behaviors associated with the glass transition were observed. The appearance, the glass + liquid transition temperature, and the amount of energy released during these transitions were dependent on the tissue WC. No glass transitions were observed at WC lower than 0.03 and higher than 0.45 g/g. A brief exposure to 100°C altered the glass properties of tissues with WC between 0.03 and 0.08 g/g but did not affect the thermal behavior of glasses with higher WC, demonstrating that thermal history is important t o the intracellular glass behavior at lower WC. Correspondence of data from bean to models predicting the effects of glass components on the glass --z liquid transition temperature suggests that the intracellular glasses are composed of a highly complex sugar matrix, in which sugar and water molecules interact together and influence the glass properties. Our data provide evidente that additional glass properties must be characterized to understand the implications of a glassy state in storage stability of seeds.Water and temperature play a significant and fundamental role in determining the storage longevity of orthodox seeds. Early models developed from storage experiments suggested that water and temperature were independent variables (Justice and Bass, 1978; Roberts and Ellis, 1989). However, theoretical considerations (Vertucci, 1992;Vertucci and Roos, 1993) and experimental data (Vertucci and Roos, 1993;Vertucci et al., 1994aVertucci et al., , 1994b have demonstrated that the effects of water and temperature on seed aging are interdependent. Conceptual models have been introduced to describe the interdependencies of WC and temperature on seed longevity. They rely on the findings that the nature and kinetics of degradative reactions in seeds change according to the physical properties of water