The study discusses the features of wind, turbulence, and surface roughness parameter over the coastal boundary layer of the Peninsular Indian Station, Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS). Every 5 min measurements from an ultrasonic anemometer at 3.3 m agl from May 2007 to December 2012 are used for this work. Symmetries in mesoscale turbulence, stress off-wind angle computations, structure of scalar wind, resultant wind direction, momentum flux ( ), Obukhov length ( ), frictional velocity ( * ), w-component, turbulent heat flux ( ), drag coefficient ( ), turbulent intensities, standard deviation of wind directions ( ), wind steadiness factor-relationship, bivariate normal distribution (BND) wind model, surface roughness parameter ( 0 ), 0 and wind direction ( ) relationship, and variation of 0 with the Indian South West monsoon activity are discussed.