Species diversity is one of the most important indices used for evaluating the sustainability of forest communities. This study aims to characterize the forest communities and to identify and compare the plant species diversity in the study area. For this purpose, 152 relevés were sampled by a randomized-systematic method, using the Braun-Blanquet scale. Classification of the vegetation was conducted by the twinspan algorithm. Four communities, including Querco-Carpinetum betulii, Carpineto-Fagetum Oriental, Rusco-Fagetum Oriental and Fagetum Oriental were recognized. Species richness, Shannon, and Simpson indices were applied to quantify diversity of the different communities. Turkey test was used to investigate the differences in the species richness, diversity and evenness indices among the different communities. The results illustrate that Querco-Carpinetum betulii and Carpineto-Fagetum Oriental communities are significantly more diverse than Rusco-Fagetum Oriental and Fagetum Oriental communities. The spatial structure of the releves becomes more 'homogenous' and the dominance structure changes: the proportion of beech-forest species is gradually increasing. At the same time, the number of species per unit area decreases constantly, reaching eventually the value comparable to that recorded for hornbeam forest. Generally, species diversity is inversely correlated with the dominance of shade tolerant climax species.