Purpose This article evaluates the effect of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) on thyroid function tests in children with epilepsy.
Methodology One hundred twenty children were studied, with 40 patients taking older generation AEDs Na valproate (N = 20) and carbamazepine (N = 20), 40 patients taking newer generation AEDs levetiracetam (N = 20) and oxcarbazepine (N = 20), and 40 healthy children as controls. Serum T3, T4, FT4, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were measured.
Results Patients taking Na valproate had lower T3, T4, and a higher TSH level than controls. Patients taking carbamazepine had the lowest T3, T4, and FT4 serum levels among patients receiving AEDs.
Conclusion The thyroid function tests were affected by the use of Na valproate and carbamazepine compared to both the control group and the group taking newer AEDs oxcarbazepine and levetiracetam. In addition, there was no effect of levetiracetam on thyroid function test results.