Our understanding of COVID-19 epidemiology and its clinical presentation is growing fast, yet few reports of COVID-19 among transplanted recipients have been published so far. 1-8 The risk of immunocompromised patients developing atypical severe COVID-19 is still under debate. 9 The severity of clinical manifestations and lung injury histology would seem especially to implicate over activation of the T-cell immune response. 10 Long-term immunosuppression with calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) is known to affect T-cell proliferation and maturation, with consequent anti-inflammatory effects. 11 However, the question of whether long-term immunosuppressive therapy could shorten or mitigate the clinical course of COVID-19 in transplanted patients still awaits a definitive answer. Reports on the clinical course of transplant recipients treated with tocilizumab are scarce, and currently, only a few cases have been reported. 12 We present a case of successful recovery from severe COVID-19 of a kidney-transplanted patient treated according to our local protocol.