The effect of BA on ‘Redchief strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) growth and yield was evaluated. During the summer of row establishment (1982), matted row plots were sprayed to drip with BA at 0, 50, 125, or 250 ppm on 1 July, 1 Aug., or 1 Sept. In 1983 and 1984, subplots were treated with BA at 0, 200, 250, or 300 ppm on 15 Sept., 1 Oct., or 15 Oct., or on all three dates at 250 ppm. Treatments applied in 1982 had no effect on crowns/m2, side branches/crown, total yield/plot, or mean fruit weight. However, increasing BA concentration significantly reduced mean crown dry weight. BA applied in Fall 1983 had no effect on total yield/plot though harvest distribution was altered. BA application on 1 Oct. significantly reduced early yields compared to the other dates of application. Although both single and multiple BA application reduced early yields compared to the control, three applications caused the largest reduction. Multiple application in 1984 significantly reduced mean fruit weight on early harvest dates. Visual observation and rating of plots indicated BA did increase flower number, but the extra flowers exhibited poor fruit set and did not significantly increase yield. Chemical names used: N-(phenymethyl)-1H-purin-6-amine (BA).