Six existing equations (three for nonlactating and three for lactating; NRC, 1987; NRC, 1996 and Hibberd and Thrift, 1992) were evaluated for predicting feed intake in beef cows. Each of the previously published equations are sensitive to cow shrunk BW and feed energy concentration. Adjustments in feed intake prediction are provided for level of milk yield in the NRC 1987 and NRC 1996 equations. The equation published in 1996 used data generated between 1979 and 1993. Our objectives were to validate the accuracy of the published equations using more recent data and to propose alternative prediction models. Criteria for inclusion in the evaluation data set included projects conducted or published since 2002, direct measurement of feed intake, adequate protein supply, and pen feeding (no metabolism crate data). After removing outliers, the data set included 53 treatment means for nonlactating cows and 32 treatment means for lactating cows. Means for the nonlactating data set were DMI = 13.2 ± 2.9 kg/d, shrunk body weight = 578 ± 83.9 kg, body condition score = 5.7 ± 0.73, and Mcal NEm/kg of feed = 1.27 ± 0.15 Mcal/kg. Means for the lactating data set were DMI = 14.6 ± 2.24 kg/d, shrunk body weight = 503 ± 73.4 kg, body condition score = 4.7 ± 0.58, and Mcal NEm/kg feed = 1.22 ± 0.16. Simple linear regression was used to determine slope, intercept and bias when observed DMI (y) was regressed against predicted DMI (x). The NRC (1996) nonlactating equation underestimated feed intake in diets moderate to high in energy density with intercept differing from 0 and slope differing from one (P = < 0.01). Average deviation from observed values was 2.4 kg/d. Similarly, when the NRC (1996) equation was used to predict DMI in lactating cows, the slope differed from one (P < 0.01) with average deviation from observed values of 3.0 kg/d. New models were developed by pooling the two data sets and including a categorical variable for stage of production (0 = nonlactating and 1 = lactating). Continuous variables included study-average shrunk body weight0.75 and diet NEm, Mcal/kg. The best-fit empirical model accounted for 68% of the variation in daily feed intake with standard error of the estimate Sy root mean squared error = 1.31. The proposed equation needs to be validated with independent data.